Advanced Materials Development
Our innovations in tailored material design, synthesis and modeling, functional materials and devices, sensors and sensing systems, drug management and diagnostic tools and material sourcing and supply chains improve quality of life, accelerate technology performance and ensure sustainable management practices.
Computational and Data-Enabled Discovery
Clarkson researchers cut across disciplines to understand the associations within complex multimodal data sets from countless sources and settings, ranging from modern sensor technologies to computational-rich engineering to social media analytics. Clarkson's strengths in dynamical systems lead to innovations learned from data, sensors and controls, business intelligence and financial technology and artificial intelligence.
健康y 全球 Solutions
Clarkson's innovative research teams collaborate with the goal of reducing public health threats, ranging from environmental contamination to lack of medical care. We develop energy policies and technologies that lead to the creation of sustainable infrastructure, 健康的水, smart communities and secure societies.
Center for Air and Aquatic Resources Engineering and Sciences (CAARES)
健康y Water Solutions
The Center of Excellence in 健康y Water Solutions (HWS) is co-lead by Clarkson University and SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry and delivers synergistic problem-solving on the wide range of water issues impacting New York State and beyond. Leveraging collaboration across academia, 行业, 政府, and stakeholders, our mission is to generate solutions that help protect and improve waters for sustainable natural environments, healthy populations, resilient communities, and sound economies.
Next-Generation Medicine and 健康care
We engage in emerging approaches to innovative technologies for preventing, detecting and treating disease, including therapeutic strategies and approaches that change how we make economic, entrepreneurial, social and ethical decisions. Close affiliations with organizations like the renowned Trudeau Institute and Mount Sinai Hospital put Clarkson at the forefront to lead new healthcare innovation, management and access.
Center for Rehabilitation Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST)
We welcome your curiosity — from the classroom to our research labs. Learn more about the research opportunities extended to our students and how you can get involved.